Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

Please Go Far Away, I'll be More Loving You

Please go far away..
I'll have been more loving you
But please take care of yourself

Please go far away..
Achieve the win's flag
Then i'll have been more loving you
Proud of you

Do not laugh at me
This heart will always be faithful wherever you lie
According to your ways

Don't need to reserving your time for me
I'm just going to watch you become a star
So every night, i had the motivation and passion
Becomes more and more brighter than you

Your presence really made me enjoy my life
Gave birth to my strength to fight for a dream ..
If one day i stood on top of the mountain,
You are the one person who delivers me to reach its
Thank you have been an inspiration in my life..

Mr. M

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